Saint James Episcopal Church in West Bend, Wisconsin, exists to proclaim the Gospel and live the Word; to promote spiritual well being and growth; to come together as a family to worship God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and to be a reflection of God's love in our community. (Mission Statement)
We are an active parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin with local roots going back to 1876.
St. James' is small enough to be personable, but large enough to offer a variety of ways to grow in faith and serve the community.We put our faith into action with ministries and outreach programs helping to share the grace that God has showered into our lives with those who live around us in our communities.
St. James' welcomes all whom God sends us, and all baptized Christians are welcome to share in Holy Communion.
You Belong Here! Joyfully Proclaiming, Living, and Sharing Christ's Love.
What is the Episcopal Church?
St. James Episcopal Church is a parish in the Diocese of Wisconsin. The Episcopal Church is made up of worshipers and congregations across the United States and a few related dioceses outside the US. The Episcopal Church is also a member of the world-wide Anglican Communion which traces its roots back to the Church of England.
Membership at St. James Episcopal Church
Current members, as well as newcomers to St. James, sometimes ask, "What does membership in a church entail?"
The below statement about membership is intended to establish greater clarity about what being a member of St. James really means. It is valid for all of us to call St. James home, even those who are considering becoming members.
The Catechism of the Book of Common Prayer defines the duty of all Christians in the following way:
"The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for worship, work, and prayers to spread of the Kingdom of God."
Here at St. James we interpret this to mean:
- Being a regular attendee at public worship, usually the Sunday morning Eucharist.
- Having a "Letter of Transfer" or a "Parishioner Information Form" on file in St. James' Office so that we have accurate personal records.
- Sharing in the visible mission of St. James through one of its many service groups, educational opportunities, or other ministries, while keeping in mind that we are committed to bearing witness to God in Christ both to the parish and to the wider community and world.
- St. James is committed to Jesus' commission to make and be disciples in the world. We are called to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and respecting the dignity of every human being.
- Praying for the grace to serve God more effectively as an individual as well as a community of believers.
- Maintaining a financial commitment (pledge) or other "contribution of record" that supports the life and ministry of St. James Episcopal Church as one is able (i.e. everyone is welcome regardless of ability to pledge).
Fr. Ben Hankinson
Priest in Charge, Fall 2023 - present