Our parish seeks to provide a community of spiritual and intellectual engagement, renewal, and encouragement by which our souls and minds are equipped for living out the Christian faith in our world today. We seek to do this through lives rich in worship, prayer and ongoing ministries for Christian formation, service, and pastoral care and support.
St. James Food Cupboard
St. James Episcopal Church, has for many years served our local community in food ministries. Before the Covid pandemic, the long-running Harvest House ministry had partnered with individuals from local churches to provide meals from our kitchen. In the years since, we have opened the St. James Food Cupboard and for the last few years have continued to minister to individuals and families. Located at the corner of Walnut Street and 8th Avenue, the Cupboard is available 24 hours a day throughout the year to anyone in need. Restocked four to five times a week, the Cupboard is supported through regular donations from St. James parishioners as well as occasional donations from local businesses and other individuals. Our efforts have been well received, widely utilized, and greatly appreciated by many. The continual work of this outreach ministry has been profound as we have been blessed to be a blessing.
A special thanks to West Bend Community Church Ruby's Pantry, Trinity Lutheran Church of West Bend, St. Andrew Lutheran Church West Bend and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for their faithful partnership of donating items on a monthly basis for our Food Cupboard. We are grateful for your donations and know that your congregation's members and the Holy Spirit are working with St. James in this special outreach project.
Additional support of this ministry is welcome. Contact the church office by email at: to find out more information about how you can make a donation.
Lay Eucharistic Visitation Ministry
The Lay Eucharistic Visitaiton Ministry at Saint James' provides the healing comfort of Communion to those who are home bound or hospitalized. When those who can not worship with us because of illness or injury are visited, the care and concern of our parish is evident. We at Saint James' believe that no one should be isolated from our community because of a temporary or permanent disability to come to church. Any requests for visits by our lay visitors can be directed to our church office at 262-334-4242.
We are blessed to have music each week. Our volunteer choir assists congregational singing as well as providing occasional anthems. Music selection is designed to provide for a wide-ranging music experience to support and enhance our worship service.
Haiti Project
The Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin. It is a partnership in mission and community development. St. James gives support through parish giving and individual financial gifts. For more information go to
Hope Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Hope Prayer Shawl Ministry is currently a group of women that knit or crochet garments such as prayer shawls, stoles, and baby blankets. These items, when finished, are blessed by the priest during the Sunday celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The group meets bi-monthly at the church on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
If you want to suggest a recipient of a prayer shawl or if you have a question about this ministry, call Sue Opelt at 262-338-0058.